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Website Design For
Texas Residential Elevators & Lifts

Project Description

Texas Residential Elevator is a residential elevator business based in the South Houston Texas area. The owner came to us because he knew his website could look a bit more professional. We built him a new website from the ground up to give off a fantastic impression of his business. The business received new leads from the website within days of its launch.

Notable Provided Features

The website created for Texas Residential Elevators & Lifts included many stand out features that help give off a professional impression, engage the user, and generate high quality leads.

Conversion Focused Design

User research goes into all of our designs and this website was no exception. The website copy and design was carefully crafted with the ideal client in mind. High quality images and video content are used throughout the website to encourage visitors to stay longer, which also helps with SEO. Social proof was leveraged by showing off the client's past reviews and projects throughout the website. Strong calls to action were used throughout the site that led to an easy to use multi-step form that sends the leads directly to the owner.

On-Page SEO

Being a local business means that local SEO is very important. This all starts with the foundation of solid on-page SEO. Setting up the structure of the website to be search engine friendly was a priority from the start. We used keywords for the clients services, service area, and much more. This SEO foundation means that all further SEO efforts will be easily implemented.

Mobile Optimization

We made sure that the website looked fantastic, regardless of the device the user was on. We tested the final design on several different devices. Over 60% of internet traffic in today's world is via smartphone. Having a mobile responsive website is extremely important for a business that is trying to grow. There is hardly a faster way to get people to leave your website than if they pull it up and the design doesn't adapt to their phone.

Detailed Product Pages

We created 10 unique pages for the different types of elevators offered. This helps reduce the amount of questions that my client has to field. This helpful information also engages website visitors with videos, image galleries, and brochures that keep users on the page. No matter what elevator or lift someone is in the market for, they can read about it on my client's site. You can check out the finished site at

Website Design For
Hall Cleaning Services

Project Scope

Hall Cleaning Services is a carpet cleaning and janitorial services business out of Mineola, Texas. They had an old website that had been set up in the early 2000s and were having trouble requesting changes and fixes with their website design agency. We set them up with a new website that took the soul of their old site and improved upon it in every way possible.

Some Features We Implemented

The simple one page website created for Hall Cleaning Services included many stand out features that help give off a professional impression, engage the user, and generate high quality leads.

Optimized Hero Section

The first section of any website (sometimes called the hero section by us nerds) is extremely important for capturing user attention in today's age. Using a personal video introduction, straightforward copy, social proof, and a CTA all help to draw the user in and generate interest in the business.

Mobile Responsive

Before enlisting our help, Hall Cleaning Services website did not adapt to fit any screen size. This is no longer an issue as the new design we did for them is fully mobile responsive and looks great whether you are on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone of any size. Over 60% of internet traffic in today's world is via smartphone. Having a mobile responsive website is extremely important for a business that is trying to grow.

Before and After Project Photos

Showing the value of your service rather than just claiming you know your stuff is very important for generating trust with your potential customers. Project before and after images were used to show off the benefits that customers of Hall Cleaning Service can expect in their own homes.

On-Page Local SEO

The copy of the website took into consideration our client's ideal service area and included keywords so they would appear in Google search for that area. The website was created with SEO best practices from the start so that search engines would be more likely to recommend the website as time goes on.  You can check out the finished site at
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a screenshot of a websitea screenshot of a websitea screenshot of a website

Website Design For
Attic Treasures of Tyler

Scope of Work

Attic Treasures of Tyler was referred to us because they were running into issues when managing their own website. They wanted a simple website that would be mobile responsive and clearly communicated what their business was about. The website was also integrated with their online auction house, increasing the traffic sent to their auction listings.

Features We Included

The Attic Treasures website is remarkably straightforward and to the point. Even in simple websites, we make sure we are doing everything we possibly can to ensure the business sees success with their website.

Custom Graphics and Images

Attic Treasures did not have very much media to use on the website when we first began. This was not a problem as we leaned on our library of licensed Black Bull Digital media to build out a website that was still attention grabbing. We customized the hero image as well as the icons throughout the website to make sure it stood out in a visually appealing way.

Detailed Service Breakdown

Communicating the services this business offered was key to the website project. They had previously experienced confusion in this area so it was a major goal to make it very clear what a customer could expect. This involved breaking down the steps of their estate sales service into simple chunks. It also meant putting emphasis on their core service over everything else to maximize the attention given to their most popular and profitable service.

Social Proof

Attic Treasures of Tyler has been doing business for quite some time, and with that experience they had accumulated tons of great reviews and testimonials from their estate sales customers. That proven trust and social proof they have built up over the years needed to be leveraged on the website so we displayed quotes from 5-star Google reviews on the home page to increase trust within visitors.

Mobile Responsive Design

Before enlisting our help, Attic Treasure's website did not adapt to fit any screen size. This is no longer an issue as the new design we did for them is fully mobile responsive and looks great whether you are on a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone of any size. Over 60% of internet traffic in today's world is via smartphone. Having a mobile responsive website is extremely important for a business that is trying to grow because it is the expectation that is held for every professional business on the web. you can check out the live site at

Website Design For
Semmler Elevator

Project Description

Before coming to us, Semmler Elevator's website was a single page with nothing but the name of their company and a phone number. It was better than nothing as far as having a website goes, but was missing out on so many opportunities to win the business of clients. Our goal for the project was to create a beautiful website that gave a clear picture of who the business was, where they operated, and what they could do for their clients.

Notable Website Features

The website created for Semmler Elevator included many stand out features that help give off a professional impression, engage the user, and generate high quality leads.

Copywriting Services

Using the guidance and prompts provided by the business owner, we wrote all the content on the website as part of the website build process. This meant writing in a conversion focused way and clearly communicating who the business was, their relevant experience, where they were located, and all the details about their services. This wording was edited throughout the website build and was tweaked to the business owner's satisfaction. Professional writing is a huge part of giving off a trustworthy impression to a website visitor.

Advanced Lead Capture

We take care to make sure it is as easy as possible for an interested website visitor to take the next step. We do this with custom multi-step, lock down forms. According to studies at Hubspot, doing forms this way leads to 84% higher conversion rates which means our form setup will deliver you leads more reliably.

Invoicing Integration

Semmler Elevator wanted to be able to take payments online. To make this as simple as possible, we added created payment pages with their payment processor and linked it to the website. This gives their clients more ways to easily pay online.

Dedicated Service Pages

Semmler Elevator offers a wide range of services, so individual pages were used to break down the different services in a simple way. Often, communicating the differences between services to a layman can be difficult. Breaking it down with a webpage that has images, icons, and clear writing helps quite a bit. Having these explanations reduces the amount of questions the business owner has to field and engages the user with relevant information. You can check out the live website at
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a screenshot of a websitea screenshot of a websitea screenshot of a website

Website Design For
Flamingo Rodeo Interiors

Project Scope

Flamingo Rodeo is an interior design and furniture store in The Woodlands, Texas. They wanted a website that reflected the professional image the rest of their business conveyed. We designed a fully custom website for them to closely align with their brand.

Features We Provided

The Flamingo Rodeo website was built on Shopify to handle the online store functionality of their business. This meant that on top of our usual attention to detail and optimizations, we implemented several features on the website to make them more profitable. The business owner reported a spike in sales within the first month of having the new website.

Fully Custom Website

We designed the Flamingo Rodeo website by heavily customizing an existing Shopify theme. This level of customization is a premium service and the whole Flamingo Rodeo team has reported that it is an investment that has continued to pay off. The theme was edited and custom coded to give users a great first impression of the business. Incorporating high quality product photos, great copywriting, and smooth navigation all contributed to the success of the website.

Social Media Integration

Flamingo Rodeo makes use of social media to promote their business regularly. It would be a missed opportunity if the website did not leverage this in some way so we incorporated automatically updating Instagram feeds to show off the latest posts. An active social media account is an effective way to show new customers that you care about your business and are invested in providing them value.

Third Party Application Integration

We implemented several behind the scenes features to help business operations run more smoothly for Flamingo Rodeo. These included many third party services to improve the site's functionality. Some examples are, out of stock waitlists for customers, custom email capture forms, and custom discount offer popups.

Website Maintenance Services

Flamingo Rodeo is one of our monthly maintenance package clients. They use our services to keep their website up to date with their current offers, to fix the website when issues come up, to change wording, and to build new sections and designs to keep the website fresh. We also send them monthly reports so they can have peace of mind that their website is in good condition at all times. You can check out the live site at
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